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Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'm not Catholic so I don't participate in Lent. But this year Black Magic and I have decided that it would be a good idea to fast during this time of Lent. It's a forty day fast that starts on the day after Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) and commence to 6 days before Easter Sunday.

So after short consideration I came up with giving up cussin (cursing), Black Magic will give up coffee and cussin. I figure giving up coffee would be much easier for her than giving up profanity for me. I like cussin! It sounds so dirty yet it's profound. Sometimes there's not a translation for what you witness and no better words can prescribe it like a curse word(s). I realize this, most people do. That's why they use it and against better judgment sometimes.

Because I realize this, I know we will need help and have discovered a list of replacement words/phrases for when your better judgement kicks in and you can't use the actual words. I've also taken the liberty to provide more than one consideration for the appropriate occasion. Here's just a few to get you started:


I will be using these. Hopefully this can inspire someone to take small steps towards being a better human. While I like cussin, I also want to know that I have enough control over me to not do it as well. I want to afford myself the choice. Happy Lent-ting!

1 comment:

Angie said...

If I give up cursing I will have a stroke......Who needs a crooked stroke mouth and thick glasses? : )