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Monday, April 09, 2012

I Hate to Eat and Run

This weekend I visited a place for a nice outing. It was different, then again, no it wasn't. The venue was nice and different but the atmosphere was still the same. The place was St. Genevieve and it was filled with usual characters from the same old live screenplay Bourgeois and Broke. Clearly there was a small percentage of people in there who might actually belong but the rest were fallacious fakers. The females were on a prowl trying hook anything that remotely resembled walking dollar signs. Men were pretenders who saved their entire month's salary to escape where they live for just one night which, by the way, is in that back room of their momma's house.

But what the hell! I enjoyed the scenery for pure entertainment purposes only, I was due.  I was drinking and I was hungry too. I didn't get a chance to see the menu before the food was ordered but chicken was ordered. You can't go wrong with chicken can you? Nope. Not unless it's paired with watermelon...on the same plate.

It's called Mumbai Fried Chicken and it's on the menu described as tamarind chutney and watermelon pickles. WTF! They may as well have called the dish Nigga's Delight! When the dish arrived at first I didn't notice it. I picked up a piece of chicken and ate it....no biggie. On that second piece though, that's when I saw the "watermelon pickles" a.k.a just some plain ass watermelon cut into chunks.

That's when the lights came on! Neither one of us had any idea and judging from the menu I don't think anyone could have known. I was offended but it was too late. It was pointless to make a scene about the menu. What could I do? Nothing. So I did what any self respecting black person would do. I fucked up that chicken and watermelon and left no crumbs on the plate, then I hauled ass out of there!

1 comment:

-KG said...

Actually Captivating. I felt as though I were reading a novel, a scene from an experience while dinning.

You Say right here, what others only think and not say. I laughed. Why you might ask, because its real! It happens, and we usually just suck it up and not say a word.

Yes, time to go. The Food I must admit, was the only thing that was unusual, different, just as you had hoped.