If you were invited here, I only have one rule......be you, but be kind.

Remember these are my personal reflections and thoughts.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello World!

At the age of 16 I had one of these. Now the dictionary defines it as being upper-class or wealthy. We were neither. LOL! My parents were middle-class and far from snobby. Well, thinking about my parents...extremely far from snobbish. I made my debut through the church anyway. That was my first debut. I think for women we have many throughout our lifetime. We are constantly presenting to society. We debut our careers, our first-born, our friendships, our religion, even our love is a debut. We have lots to offer to the world, and such drama queens we can be!

Today I would like to present a new me, better yet, a renewed me. This presentation is one that I won't introduce with an elaborate ball or sounding of the trumpets, nothing like that. I will introduce it with the utmost subtlety. You will see a change in me, if you knew me already. I love the potential. I embrace the idea of this renewed confident intellectually thinking, self assured, fine woman I am ready to present.


Angie said...

one of your parents is kinda uppity.....ain't gonna say which one though. lol

M.O. said...

I knew you were going to say something soooo SMAT, IMPOTANT and KIND like that! LOL!