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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Just Be Thankful

There's a song by Omar that is one of my favorite renditions to an oldie but goodie: Be Thankful. The message in the song is essentially saying to be thankful for what you got.

Today's Thanksgiving and it's my favoritest (I made that word up) holiday of the year! To be thankful though, you have to realize. You have to know what you are thankful for.

I am in New Orleans visiting my parents for Thanksgiving with the whole family . I wanted to get cleaned up so I asked my mom if I could use their bathroom. In doing so, I noticed their personal products scattered abroad on the counters and in the cabinets. I noticed my mom's makeup, serums and potions, things that she could use to help make her look younger. No biggie, I use the same things, so it wasn't obvious to me at first because with women, it's evident that we want to continue looking/being younger.

But I noticed a product belonging to my dad that took me completely off guard. This product immediately sent me to tears. It was hard core, absolute, undeniable evidence, my parents are getting older. Next year around this time, if God says the same my dad will be 70 years old. Age was never something I saw with my parents. It never dawned on me they are getting up in age, and they don't act like it at all. Of course there are gentle reminders, like a knee hurts or arthritis here and there, they take high blood pressure medicine, but never obvious evidence, like what I discovered today.

At first I was saddened because I know what getting older means, it could also mean another chapter in their lives and the same for me. It means adjustments, considerations you wouldn't think about before, and preparations for a future of finality. Whether or not I'm ready for this mindset, I better be, because time waits for no one, not even them.

Then I realized something else, that I'm thankful. I'm thankful that they are getting older and I am here to witness it, to be a help, and to give them my love. I am here to show my gratefullness for everything they have done and given to me. I'm thankful they get to witness their grand children , great grandkid, and to live and act like they are as young as the want to be.

Yes, they are getting older. Yes, I'm thankful!


Anonymous said...

Whew! Tear jerker, but true. Love you. Angie

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, deep, and thought-provoking reflection!
Thanks for sharing! :) LC

tashdim said...

It's amazing that you write this. My grandmother is 74 and I have come to the realization that she is not as young as I thought her to be. Your writing allowed for me to reflect on the positive and the not so negatives of her aging.