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Friday, May 09, 2014

What's In Ya?

I had a few....as a matter of fact, I'm writing this blog with my speech a little slurred. Needless to say booze is in me right now. Have you ever heard the expression, a drunk man speaks a sober truth? Well I believe it. It turns you into something more out spoken, a liquid courage....something you would ordinarily conceal. But like truth, what's in you comes out....eventually. Sometimes you get a little help.

I was watching the OWN network "Where Are They Now".. and they featured Debbie Allen. I so love her. She is fierce. But at the end, they asked her a question to conclude her spotlight episode. They asked, "What do you know for certain?" Okay. For those who don't know me, For TV shows that have my undivided attention, I tend to become the character in my head. So when questions are asked in the role, I always answer in my head.....before the character does [ to see if we come up with the same answer or not]. It's a knee jerk reaction, I place myself in the role. This sort of helps me determine if in any way there are any similarities to my personality of the character or if I could predict where the writer is going or not. Stupid I know...but that's silly me.

She answered... " I know my family loves me. I know the sun will shine tomorrow." I blurted ...."I know God is Good all the time...and all the time God is good." This was a revelation. Again. I knew it, but I proved it to myself again. Without hesitation, or second thought in my drunken or soberness, I know without doubt, GOD IS GOOD! I sooo love Him! Even in my misstep, and poor decision, I know that I love Him and need Him.  I know that He is soo good and is faithful to me.

A friend of mine asked me just today why haven't I written any blogs in a long time. I settled with I didn't have the time nor was I inspired because it wasn't in me. But that soon changed, for today at least. While blogging may not be in me all the time, nor booze, I do know what's/who's in me ALL the time.

 So I ask, what's in ya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gas and cholesterol! Angie