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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Momma Can't Get Any

Recently my family and I went on vacation to Sea World celebrating my daughter's birthday. I don't know about the kids but I had a blast. Sorry I can't speak for everyone. They say they had themselves a great time, I'll just have to roll with that but I had myself a ball!

We all shared a room and of course only one bathroom. Needless to say to we had to make great use of our limited time causing us to also share bathroom time. Being the mother and wife I am the only one who can share that kind of time with all members of our family of four. However this needed some justification to my son who disapproved of me sharing the restroom with my husband. He had the nerve to ask me something along the lines of... what were y'all doing in the bathroom together?... and he offered a safe suggestion I guess one he could digest better?...by adding "...while I guess ya'll was taking a shower?" Yeah let it seep in.

Ok. I reenacted a scene from the movie Exorcist and my head began to spin around on my neck! The room got dark. Fire emerged from the floor. My daughter ran and took cover under the covers. Poor thing. And my husband took a hard swallow followed by an "OH-OH". He stepped back into the restroom and locked the door behind him. How dare he?...that little shit! How could he formulate his lips to mouth those words to me? ME?! of ALL people. My son knows I wear the crazy lady badge of honor proudly!!! I could see the fear in that poor child's eyes. That's what saved him. As I returned and morphed back to her normal state, I calmly answered him firmly but appropriately warning that he stays in his lane.

So I ran the whole scenario by my mother who is visiting and she explained why he asked. To my amusement and surprise in short..little boys don't like their mother getting any. Sub-conscientiously it's their protective mode. They don't see their mother who is wholesome and high on their pedestal in that manner. WHAT??!!! I can honestly say that one NEVAH crossed my mind. I guess there's some truth to it because he is a little possessive of me and clingy but it seems absurd to me. Hmmmmm.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Poor E.J. trynna make a you a "hopi indian" a house wife. lol well I didn't want to curse. :)