If you were invited here, I only have one rule......be you, but be kind.

Remember these are my personal reflections and thoughts.
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Monday, March 01, 2010

My Rightful Place

WOW! How could I let a whole entire year go by without writing something in this blog? Life...that's how! I was inspired to write something today. I read back in my past blogs of all the pain I endured and that's what I wrote about mostly, but today...I have something else. Today I am writing about my rightful place. I am far from perfect but damn near close to feeling like this is where I should be.

I've made some amends with some people....some in my mind and some with them personally. I've learned who deserves my love and who doesn't. Everyday I am learning something new about me. In my assessment of myself, I think I have defined myself as somewhat a callous selfish person but it's okay because I need it and it helps me not to take the bullshit so personally. I love that I can say NO when I want and sleep real damn good at night!

I'm at the right place. I try not to give everyone the selfish me just those who will appreciate it whether they think they do or not. I won't stifle myself from going higher or further but for right now I'm in the right place.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Thanks for always showing me the loving caring side.