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Friday, September 01, 2006

Pecan Candy

I remember sitting at the table wondering when was it going to get done. I couldn't take it anymore. The anticipation was about to kill me and I couldn't ask is it ready yet anymore because the backhand would knock me out. Then I would miss what I had been waiting all this time for my grandmother to hurry up and finish.

I remember, this is where it all started, in my grandmother's kitchen. She would stir that big, shiny, silver magnalite pot like gold was at the bottom of it. But it was. I mean those ingredients together would cause such a frenzy at the table. The debate about who would get the first one always started havoc among us ( 13 of her grandchildren). You couldn't touch that circular plank of a table for it was glossed with butter, so smooth and shiny like an ice skating rink. You could sit around the table (if you could find a spot) but woe be unto you if you touched it.

She would scoop out spoonfulls of sinful delight onto that table making rows and columns of little circular addictions filled with pecans. Plap! That's the sound it makes when it hits the table to harden. And the aroma! It smelled of something creamy and sweet with a hint of vanilla rolled into one. If I could package the scent into an air freshner I would make a ment. Once it would harden, which took only minutes but to us an eternity, she would be the only one sitting and the rest of us would stand in a single file line with our hands out and cupped together . She would place the candies in our hands and we would run off to make room for the next kid in line to get theirs. Much like a father giving communion at mass.

I remember biting into that creamy, sweet, smooth candy and closing my eyes with every bite. I would bite small pieces and hold it my mouth to savor the flavor then let it go slowly. The rest I would reserve for some other time, trying my hardest to hold on too what was left, but it was no use. This candy had the best of me and it won. I would keep eating and eating until it was all gone. It was like crack. You just keep going back for more.

Sugar, creme, pecans, vanilla and butter. Who would ever think that 5 simple ingredients would cure any problem. It's like a mircle drug or something. As I got older, I found other uses for it, like it's a great comforter. It's perfect for depression, that time of month, if your man leaves you, you hate your job.....whatever! After eating it, there is nothing you can't get over. People say chocolate does the trick, but I beg to differ. My grandmother used this secret weapon to calm a house of 13 out of control, bad ass grandkids.

There is nothing like prayer and pecan candy to fix anything.

Try some. www.Mandicandies.com

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