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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Make A Wish

Yesterday was Princess Lollipop's special day celebrating her Golden Birthday. Folks in Texas never heard of it...don't know the orgin but it's something New Orleanians are familiar with. It means you turn the age of your date of birth. In this case PL turned 11 on the 11th, thus making it her Golden Birthday.

On this birthday I was thinking about what super special gift should I give to her. She received an assortment of things, clothes, money, cupcakes, and a limo ride with her cousin and bestie to a concert to see her favorite boy band Mindless Behavior. She was thrilled and proudly proclaimed that this was the best birthday ever.  I guess if I were 11 I would proclaim the same.  But I know something she doesn't know yet.

While all of those things seemed very appropriate at the time they are not the best gift she could have received. I wish to share with her so many things. I wish to share with her what I've learned from my 2 month old nephew Doodle Bug. When Doodle Bug wants something he wants it NOOOW! DB will cry at a 5 to send warning to stop what you are doing and tend to my needs. When it appears to him, his desires are ignored, he cranks it up to a 12 in 0-60 seconds flat followed by kicking and flaling his hands and feet around. No one taught him this...it comes natural to him and guess what? It works! He's caught someone's attention to stop what they are doing to tend to his immediate needs. This will continue for the rest of his life. As he gets older tantrums will be elemenatary, but he will learn other ways to get what he needs so that he's satisfied and most times it will be at the cost of others.

So why doesn't somethings come natural to us women like that? We learn most times the hard way to pacify ourselves usually with sticking a thumb in our mouths and just waiting until we get attended to at the lesiure of others....nothing like the Doodle Bug method!  I want Princess to know this. I want her to recognize these behaviors and know that she doesn't have to relinqish being who she is to tend to the immediate needs of someone else. A person should love her and be more than satisfied with her because she is her. But this super special gift of knowing this is not something you get on your 11th birthday. It's a gift that's continual that she will get every year from me. So when she needs it, she will have it, because she knows it in the fiber of her being, not like a memory of clothes, money and a concert. It will be like being introduced to God, once you know Him, you can't forget Him.