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Friday, May 14, 2010

Meet the Wiz

Have you ever experienced trying to reason with someone? As you know, it can be the most difficult thing in your life to accomplish. I really think conquering other things are much easier sometimes for instance, it's easier to lie in the middle of the street of oncoming traffic praying no one hits you, then trying to reason with someone who just doesn't get it.

I have often times tried to come up with new innovative ways to get my point across and nothing has worked. Sort of like the episodes when Plankton tries to steal the secret formula from Spongebob. I am tired, I have to admit; but I still have hope for this one idea that I'm sure will work. You see, I have convinced myself that if I can just bypass the auto pilot robot and speak to the Wiz, he'll understand. I'm sure he knows me and I'm most certain that he and I can just come to some sort of middle ground.

He can be the most ideal and conceptual being at times but only for matters that benefit him. Which is why I need to speak to him. See, I have some concerns of matters that he's involved directly relating to me and I have a difference of assessment from his. Remember I said it can be difficult to get the point across? Well the Wiz also can have selective hearing. Certain voices and tones he will receive better than others. I can say something to him and another voice (..one he likes of course) can say the very same thing....verbatim too...and he hears it and responds just fine! Isn't that some shit?! Go figure!

In case you haven't figured out who he is just yet, he's that little muthafuka lodged in the back left side of the brain that only the person's whose head he lives in listens to. I know without a shadow of doubt that the Wiz is in total full control of some people. Believe me when I tell you this, I have witnessed it on NUMEROUS occasions.

I just need help with trying to meet him. So if you know him or have a personal and/or direct contact with the Wiz, please please please would you tell him Dorothy wants to talk to him?