Today is January 1, 2008. Yep! It's the new year. People ask all the time about resolutions and for the most part my answer is very simple, I don't have any. Please don't for one second think that I am perfect and in no dire need of changing some things in my life. I've got a list.
I don't usually set resolutions because I've learned the hard way. I've learned, what's the point? What's the point of making a list of things to do or not to do, only to have not done or do them. Why remind myself of the ever present constant. The constant unfinished. Most of the time resolutions are forgotten or done away with or maybe even far fetched. Sometimes the lay on the shelf to collect spider webs and dust. Sometimes they may even start off as a vehicle on the right path but usually with me they run out of gas.
It's my own fault I know it. I know what I'm supposed to do and sometimes I get started doing it but life has a way of putting it's own spin on my resolutions. You see, what I have planned for me is just that. My plans. I've done many things to get the ball rolling. I've put myself in positions to make things happens and for some years now.....nothing. I've acted on my plans. But that's the problem. And the question shouldn't be, what is your New Year's resolution? It should be what is God's resolution for you.
Now that's something I can't answer. I have to find that out. But I do know this.... I have to get through January first.