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Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Pissed Off Houstonian

Houstonian? Huh.....Yeah right! You would NEV'AH (you know how you are never supposed to say never) Well I SAID IT! Damn Right! NEV'AH catch me referring to myself as a Houstonian. What's all the fuss for? I am sick and tired of the media highlighting every single crime done in Houston by New Orleanians. They say that there is an influx of crime now that we have arrived. NEWSFLASH!!!!!! You've always had influx of crimes! I know for sure they like police car chases, there's one every week! Don't get me wrong. I KNOWS we got some shit with us.....Law'd knows crime is our middle name but I be danmed if the media makes Houston out to be picture perfect. I mean C'mon....I guess I can understand why they want to examine us under the microscope, it takes the focus off of their dirt. Nothing like some new dirt I guess. I guess they are getting bored with the chases in all. GET OVER IT! Crime is here as it is there. That's why we are deemed The Dirty South. They're just pissed because FEMA hasn't paid them back yet. (hee hee hee hee) Here's some advice, don't hold your breath! Okay! I have vented and I am fine. On the flip side Houston has some great qualities and it's a great place to visit. I just miss home.